Here is how I used different generators and text manipulators in my final
project: "6pm walk."
On the page where the yellow flowers are finally called daffodils,
“Google” has something else to say about the flowers. It is random which
of the four results appears, and all four came from searching daffodils on
Anagram generator:
I used the anagram generator to change the names of the streets you start
on. Park Place turned into papa clerk and Nostrand turned into rants don.
I thought this was a silly way to scramble my street corner names.
I used the machine to mess up the letter on the law firm’s window. It’s a
real letter but I wanted it to be silly. I used the N+5 variant that got
spat out.
There is a part of the game at the Crown Heights Mural. The little message
that appears is a random tweet I took straight from Twitter. I got these
tweets by searching “crown heights mural” and picking the first five.
I used transcription on the first appearance of the bollard. The stuff the
guy is saying is transcribed from the first minute of this
Oblique strategies cards:
"Remember those quiet evenings.” - made “graffiti letter” passage mention
how quiet it was getting.
“Children -speaking -singing” - made “tiniest school bus” passage mention
kids speaking and singing.
“Go slowly all the way round the outside.” - used this to justify putting
in so many yellow things in the game.
“Use fewer notes” - used this to stop relying so much on my notes about
the walk I went on.
“Emphasize differences” - used this in the second bollard mention, where i
specifically pointed out that this one had a traffic cone on top of it.
Used CharNG in the “flat tire” passage to turn the quote “Diseases can be
our spiritual flat tires - disruptions in our lives that seem to be
disasters at the time but end by redirecting our lives in a meaningful
way.” into "our lives - disruptions in a meaning our spiritual flat
tirecting our ives in our lives in a meanin." The settings were: Number of
chars: 100, N-gram length: 4, Type of chaining: markov, 30% chance of
inserting a newline after a word, and 50% chance of inserting 6 ą 5
initial spaces.
On the “car shop” passage, used the PBS nature keyboard to randomly select
what the tv was saying.